2014 REG CAR Kenya Shipping Final Call

2014 REG CAR Kenya Shipping Final Call

We would like to try and get all our Kenya customers their dream car at 2014 duty rates before the shipping window closes for 2014 vehicles at the end of October. Please let us know if you have any requirement in the next two weeks https://carluv.co.uk/import-car-uk-to-kenya/


The next vessel to East Africa is:- Vessel:* Talia TLA010
Please note that this will be the last vessel that is going to arrive into Mombasa in 2021, hence any 2014 aged vehicles that are staying in Kenya must be shipped on this vessel.
The port will load on a first in first out basis hence please order the vehicle as early as you can.
London Tilbury Port:Vessel Closing: Strictly 01/11/2021 Estimated Time of Sailing: 08/11/2021
Teesport Port:Vessel Closing: Strictly 05/11/2021 Estimated Time of Sailing: 10/11/2021
Estimated Time of Arrival Mombasa: 05/12/2021 Estimated Time of Arrival Dar Es Salaam: 03/12/2021

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